Growing zucchini vertically and in a space-saving manner: ideas and tips


Growing zucchini vertically and in a space-saving manner: ideas and tips


Don't have a garden but still want to grow vegetables? There are some vegetable plants that can be grown in pots on the balcony or in front of the house without any problems. Growing vegetables vertically is particularly space-saving. Zucchini can be cultivated very well vertically and to save space. You can find out what you need to consider and which other vegetable plants are suitable for vertical cultivation in this article.

In this article you will find:

  1. Growing climbing zucchini vertically: ideas for the balcony

  2. Plant zucchini in the pot

  3. Climbing zucchini: location & soil

  4. Suitable climbing aids and trellises

  5. Tie up zucchini plants - that's how it works

  6. More climbing vegetables for the balcony

At a glance

Climbing zucchini: climbing zucchini varieties

Climbing- zucchini

For vertical cultivation in a pot or raised bed, you must choose a zucchini variety that forms tendrils and grows in a creeping manner. Not every type of zucchini does this. Here are some examples of varieties that you can grow with climbing aid:

  • ' Tromboncino d'Albenga '

  • ' Black Forest'

  • ' Shooting Star '

  • ' Vert de Blanc '

  • ' Rugosa Friulana '

  • ' Cococell '

  • 'Recognize'

Suitable climbing aids and trellises:

climbing-Zucchini- aids

Zucchinis require a climbing assist because they typically don't climb on their own.  You have various options for this. Most of the time you should tie the zucchini plants up on the trellises because they won't hold up on their own.

  • Bamboo sticks

  • Tomato spirals

  • Garden trellis or trellis

  • Trellis made of wood or metal

  • Trellis net

  • obelisk

Vertical climbing Zucchini gardening: balcony garden ideas

Climbing Zucchini are a great option if you want to cultivate fresh veggies but don't have a garden or much room. These zucchini cultivars can be grown vertically because they have a tendency to grow creepingly and create tendrils. There are just a few things to consider so that your own climbing zucchini grows and thrives successfully, such as choosing the variety or trellis and tying it up . However, if the zucchini feels comfortable, you can harvest plenty of zucchinis even in limited space and make optimal use of your space.

Plant zucchini in the pot

Zucchini grow well in large pots or planters. Nonetheless, it is imperative that you select the appropriate pot size to ensure adequate space and nutrients. Choose a pot with at least 40 to 50 liters capacity or 50 to 60 cm in diameter. Waterlogging is another else to consider when growing in a container. Therefore, your pot should have holes at the bottom and, if necessary, also be well drained.

Since zucchini plants are heavy feeders, you should fill the pot with nutrient-rich garden soil and compost. It is also advisable to fertilize weekly during the season with liquid organic fertilizers such as nettle manure . In order for the plants to produce fruit properly, they must be in a sunny and warm location with enough light. Since zucchinis consist of a lot of water, a consistent water supply is very important. A layer of mulch can help to protect the soil in the pot from drying out, as this happens much faster in the pot.

Climbing zucchini: varieties for growing in pots

  • ' Tromboncino d'Albenga ': An Italian variety with long, slender, slightly curved fruits and a mild taste. It climbs well and is ideal for vertical cultivation.

  • ' Black Forest' : A climbing zucchini variety that produces dark green, cylindrical fruits and reaches heights of around 2 m. This variety is resistant to some diseases and grows well on trellises. Unfortunately, this variety is an F1 hybrid and therefore cannot be reproduced or seed-resistant.

  • ' Shooting Star ': A yellow zucchini variety with an aromatic taste that reaches heights of up to 1.2 m. Since it is also an F1 hybrid, you cannot get your own seeds here either.

  • ' Vert de Blanc ': A French, climbing variety with green-white, slightly ribbed fruits and a pleasant taste.

  • ' Rugosa Friulana ': A creeping Italian variety with slightly ribbed, yellow fruits and a firm texture. It is well suited for vertical cultivation when supported with trellises.

  • ' Cocozelle ': This variety is easy to care for and produces long, green striped fruits. It grows in the pot without any problems and can grow up a trellis if you tie the zucchini plant up.

  • ' Erken ': Seed-solid, old variety with greenish-creamy white fruits. This variety of zucchini grows in a slightly creeping manner and is very productive. Due to its growth habit, you can also grow this variety vertically as a climbing zucchini plant.

Climbing zucchini: location & soil

A sunny location is crucial for growing climbing zucchini in pots or on the balcony . Zucchini plants require at least 6 - 8 hours of direct sunlight daily for healthy growth. You should also choose a place protected from the wind to protect the plants from wind break (zucchini plants only have shallow roots) and strong temperature fluctuations. They prefer fertile , well-drained soil. A high-quality organic vegetable soil together with compost is ideal for growing in pots.

Suitable climbing aids and trellises

Since climbing zucchinis grow several meters high, climbing aids are essential if you grow your zucchini vertically. They give the plants the support and stability they need for good growth. There are many different types of trellises, including cages, trellises and trellises. Make sure that the trellis is stable and offers enough space for the plants to grow. Below are a few examples of what could be suitable as a trellis.

Bamboo sticks

Sturdy bamboo poles can be arranged individually or in a teepee shape to provide stable support for zucchini plants. They are lightweight, durable and environmentally friendly.

Tomato spirals

These spiral metal rods, often used to support tomato plants, are also great for climbing zucchini. They provide a stable structure on which plants can grow easily. However, you have to tie up the zucchini plants.

Garden trellis or trellis

A garden trellis or trellis can be placed either on a wall or free-standing and offers a large climbing aid for climbing zucchini. Make sure the trellis or trellis is sturdy enough to support the weight of the plant and its fruit.

Trellis made of wood or metal

These trellises come in a variety of sizes and designs and can be easily attached to pots or planters. They offer the climbing zucchinis a stable structure on which they can grow and spread. Make sure the trellis is weatherproof and sturdy enough to support the weight of the plants and fruits.

Trellis nets

Trellis nets made of plastic or natural fibers can be attached to frames, poles or even the balcony railing. They offer the climbing zucchinis numerous opportunities to hold on and climb up. Make sure to choose a trellis with large enough meshes so that the plants can easily grow through them.


These cone-shaped, free-standing structures made of metal or wood are an attractive option for growing climbing zucchini in pots or on the balcony. They offer a decorative and at the same time functional climbing aid and can also serve as an eye-catcher in the garden or on the balcony.

Tie up zucchini plants - that's how it works

Tie- up -zucchini

Once your zucchini plants start growing, you should tie them up regularly. This way you can ensure that they grow along the trellis and don't fall down. To avoid injuring the plants, you should only use soft ribbons or strings . Wire or rigid plastic cords, which can injure the stems and leaves, are not suitable.

Now start by attaching the plant to the trellis on the main stem at regular intervals (approx. 20 to 30 cm). Do not tie too tightly so as not to constrict the zucchini plants. You can also support side branches and attach them to the trellis. When tying, it is important to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed, otherwise the plant can easily be damaged.

Our tip : Tying the zucchini plants up allows for better air circulation. This reduces the risk of diseases such as mildew and pests. Nevertheless, check your protégés regularly for pests and diseases.

You can still grow these vegetable plants vertically:

  • Tomatoes : Hanging or climbing varieties (stick tomatoes) such as ' Tumbler ', ' Gardener's Delight ' or ' Sweet Million ' are particularly suitable here.

  • Cucumbers : Choose snake cucumbers or smaller, bushy varieties like ' Patio Snacker ' or ' Mini Stars ' that grow well on trellises or trellises.

  • Beans : Runner beans, such as ' Blue Lake ' or ' Cobra ' as well as runner beans, are excellent for vertical cultivation. You can also grow bush beans in pots on the balcony without any problems, but these varieties do not climb.

  • Peas : Sweet peas or climbing peas, such as ' Sugar Snap ' or ' Alderman ', are ideal candidates for vertical cultivation on the balcony. Use trellises or netting to help plants grow easily.

  • Pumpkins and melons: Smaller varieties of watermelons such as ' Sugar Baby ' or ' Hokkaido ' pumpkin can be grown vertically as long as the fruit is adequately supported.

  • Nasturtium: This edible flower is not only decorative but also an excellent climbing plant. It can easily grow along trellises or trellises and thus complements vertical cultivation on the balcony.

  • Eggplants: Choose compact varieties like ' Patio Baby ' or ' Ichiban ' and support the plants with stakes to keep them upright.

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