Epsom salt fertilizer: Which plants tolerate it? | Application


Epsom salt fertilizer: Which plants tolerate it? | Application

Epsom- salt -fertilizer

Epsom salt – a colorless, odorless and water-soluble mineral is known for its various uses. It is used not only in medicine and chemistry, but also in agriculture and horticulture. Now many hobby gardeners swear by the “miracle cure” Epsom salt. However, some caution is required when using it in the home garden. The desired success does not always occur. However, when used correctly, the plants benefit from it with healthy growth.

Points to discuss:

  • Epsom salt fertilizer

  • Epsom salt for sulfur supply

  • Soil analysis

  • Carrying out soil analysis

  • Dosage

  • Granules or liquid fertilizer

  • Suitable plants

Epsom salt fertilizer

The natural mineral is a magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and also known as epsomite or Epsom salt. Epsom salt contains 15 percent magnesium oxide (MgO) and 30 percent sulfuric anhydride (SO3). This makes it an excellent source of magnesium and sulfur, in short a special fertilizer for plants.

Magnesium is a building block of the plant pigment chlorophyll (responsible for the green color of leaves). Plants need magnesium to build sugars, from which they ultimately produce cellulose and other endogenous substances that are necessary for photosynthesis. Epsom salt is also an important component in various complex fertilizers, the so-called “complete fertilizers”.

In agriculture and horticulture, the mineral is mainly used to compensate for magnesium deficiencies in the soil. At the same time, the pH value of the soil is reduced during use. Epsom salt is used as granules, but also as a liquid fertilizer, but not all plants tolerate this fertilizer. More on that later.

A notice :

The salt is also successfully used in medicine, for example in “heat packs” to generate therapeutic heat or as a laxative, for detoxification, for strains, sprains and arthritis.

Epsom salt for sulfur supply

Since Epsom salt also contains a very high proportion of sulfur, it is ideal as a sulfur fertilizer. A sulfur deficiency in the soil manifests itself primarily in a similar way to the symptoms of a nitrogen deficiency. The entire leaf, including the leaf veins, usually turns yellow . However, this usually only affects young leaves.

A lack of sulfur in the soil can be prevented in advance by regularly incorporating mature compost or rotted cattle manure. In addition, the sulfur balance can also be balanced through targeted doses of Epsom salt or other mineral and organic complex fertilizers.

Not all soils tolerate an application of Epsom salt equally well. Before fertilizing with Epsom salt, the condition of the soil must be known. The pH value can easily be determined using a quick test. However, a detailed soil analysis should be left to a laboratory.

Soil analysis

Before fertilizing with Epsom salt, it is important to know the soil conditions. A soil analysis offers protection against over-fertilization with nutrients. Otherwise, excessive salt content can quickly lead to root burns. Ultimately the plants then dry out. A professional soil analysis provides information about this

  • Soil pH

  • Overview of the nutrients present such as

    • magnesium

    • Nitrogen

    • potassium

    • phosphorus

    • copper

    • iron

    • boron

  • Fertilizer recommendations are made at the same time

Carrying out soil analysis

At least 500 g of soil should always be taken from a uniformly used garden area, such as a vegetable garden or lawn. The more samples are available, the more reliable the result will be.

  • Evenly taking 10 to 15 samples over the entire area

  • Mix samples thoroughly in the bucket

  • Pour 500 g into a plastic bag

  • with name, date and garden area

Epsom- soil -analysis

What is important when removing is the correct depth from the entire root zone of the plants in question. The nutrient reserves, which are also reached by the plant roots, are important.

  • Lawn at least 10 cm

  • Vegetable and perennial bed 30 cm

  • Fruit and coniferous trees maximum 60 cm


Depending on the nature of the soil and the magnesium value present per 100 g of soil, the following dosage recommendations arise:

Light soils

  • Water seeps away quickly

  • Washing out of increased magnesium content

  • 30 g of salt per square meter with a magnesium value of 1 to 2 mg per 100 g of soil

  • 15 g of salt per square meter with a magnesium value of 3 to 5 mg per 100 g of soil

  • No administration if magnesium value exceeds 5 mg per 100 g of soil

  • Fertilize two to three times per season

  • first fertilization in June

  • Repeat in August

Medium floors

  • 30 g of fertilizer per square meter with a magnesium value of 1 to 4 mg per 100 g of soil

  • 15 to 20 g of fertilizer per square meter with a magnesium value of 5 to 10 mg per 100 g of soil

  • No administration if magnesium value is higher than 10 mg per 100 g of soil

  • Fertilize once per season

Heavy soils

  • 30 g of fertilizer per square meter with a magnesium value of 1-8 mg per 100 g of soil

  • 15 to 20 g of fertilizer per square meter with a magnesium value of 9 to 13 mg per 100 g of soil

  • No administration if magnesium value exceeds 14 mg per 100 g of soil

  • Fertilize once per season

Granules or liquid fertilizer

Epsom salt can be applied in liquid form or as granules. A few things should be taken into account:

Spray solutions

  • Use in acute magnesium deficiency

  • Dissolve 200 g of salt in 10 liters of water

  • never use in sunshine

  • then burns occur

  • Do not apply before periods of rain

  • Before use, spray plants with a garden hose

  • alternatively spray after rain

  • Cloudy April days are well suited


  • Spring time

  • If necessary, repeat in the fall

  • sprinkle around plants

  • not directly on roots

  • some distance from the trunk

  • then water well

  • Caution: Do not wash out the salt completely


Suitable plants

Not all plants tolerate salt fertilization equally well. Therefore, caution is always advised. When used correctly, the special plant fertilizer can serve the following plants well:


All coniferous trees, thuja and cypresses have a high magnesium consumption.

  • 20 g of salt per square meter compensates for the deficit

  • Use as granules or for casting

  • For yellow-colored needles, apply 2% spray solution

  • Spray the underside of needles and shoots

  • Preparation solution Dissolve 200 g of salt in 10 liters of water

A notice :

If the needles are already brown in color, there is a potassium deficiency. Then it is advisable to use special fir fertilizer or potassium sulfate.


Many lawns are undersupplied with nutrients such as potassium or magnesium. Epsom salt fertilizers can help.

  • Spring time

  • Fertilization after the first lawn cutting

  • 50g salt per square meter

  • Spread well on lawn

  • then water

  • Ideal for days before rain

  • prevents weed growth

Lawn -fertilizer

Ericaceous plants

Rhododendron, azalea and heather love an acidic environment to grow. If the pH value of the soil is too high, the salt can be used.

  • Dissolve 150 g of salt in 10 liters of rainwater

  • Water soil evenly

  • Support photosynthesis

  • Stabilization of the chlorophyll content of the leaves

A solution applied to one square meter lowers the pH value by one point.

vegetable plants

Heavy eaters such as tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, beetroot or spinach have a high magnesium requirement. Deficiency symptoms can quickly occur. A targeted administration of the salt fertilizer then ensures a sufficient supply of magnesium.

  • weekly foliar fertilization

  • Use 0.5% saline solution

Tip :

In the case of leaf spot, the symptoms can also be improved by spraying an Epsom salt solution in a 2% concentration. However, the administration of nitrogen-based fertilizer must then be avoided.

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