How to make potted jasmine grow: a Guide to Growing Jasmine in Pots


How to make potted jasmine grow: a Guide to Growing Jasmine in Pots

Jasmine flowers (also known as jasmine flowers, marigold flowers, calendula flowers, ...) have the scientific name Jasminum sambac. This is a flower with pure white color and extremely seductive scent. Jasmine is originally from Southeast Asian countries and is currently grown throughout Vietnam. Jasmine also has many uses in human life, especially in medicine, which is why this flower is now popular among many people to grow in pots at home. In the following article, WikiFarm shows you how you can easily but effectively grow jasmine in pots !

Scientific name:

Jasminum sambac

Other names:

Jasmine flower, marigold flower, marigold flower

Suitable temperature:

20 – 25 °C

Changing soil in pots:

every 2 – 3 years

1 Characteristic

Jasmine is a perennial herbaceous plant that lives in large bushes. The trunk is divided into many branches and the height of the tree can be up to 2m.

The leaves of jasmine are shiny green, oval and rarely deciduous.

Jasmine flowers grow concentrated at the tip, are milky white and exude a sweet scent. Each jasmine branch usually has around 2-3 flowers. Based on the characteristics of each type, jasmine can be divided into plain jasmine, western jasmine, Japanese jasmine, etc.

Jasmine blooms all year round, but the period from April to September is when the flowers bloom at their largest and most beautiful.

Jasmine flowers also have small black fruits that appear as the flowers wither and often fall off quickly, making them difficult to see.

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2 Meaning

Jasmine is the national flower of some Southeast Asian countries. This is a beautiful flower, pure white, therefore it has the meaning of expressing purity, beauty, peace and happiness. In addition, jasmine also represents pure friendship or loyal, passionate love.

In Feng Shui, jasmine is a flower with the meaning of "exorcism" as the plant's fragrant scent can help ward off evil spirits, attract positive energy, and provide a warm and happy space for the homeowner.

3 Used

Due to its beauty and fragrance, jasmine is very suitable as an ornamental plant and creates a relaxing space in the home. In addition, this plant is often planted in public places such as parks, streets or in tourist areas, restaurants, hotels, cafes, etc.

In addition, jasmine is also used in medicine. All parts of jasmine, including roots, leaves and flowers, can be used as medicine to treat a number of diseases such as cooling, sedation, stomach pain, diarrhea, insomnia, etc.

Jasmine flowers in particular can be dried or marinated to make tea. Jasmine tea helps people stay alert, concentrate on work, increase resistance, improve the digestive system, lose weight, treat diabetes or even prevent cancer.

In addition, jasmine is also an important ingredient in the cosmetic industry and is often used to make perfumes and masks.

4 Prepare

Planting land

Jasmine is not picky about soil and can adapt to many different soil types. However, in order for the jasmine to grow and develop optimally, sandy soil is best suited, which is less acidic, rich in humus, loose and nutrient-rich and has good drainage.

Plant pots

If you want the plant to form a lot of branches, you should choose large pots when growing jasmine. Since jasmine does not tolerate waterlogging, the pot must have drainage holes.


You can grow jasmine by cutting branches from the mother plant. Be sure to choose healthy mother plants that grow well, are free of pests, and choose branches that are neither too young nor too old. Use a knife or scissors to cut branches.

5 Plant jasmine

First of all, you need to cut the jasmine branches with a knife or scissors. Each branch is about 30 cm long. Be sure to prune tightly to prevent pinching of the veins, thereby increasing branch viability. After cutting, you need to dip the branch in a solution to stimulate the branch to root.

When planting the jasmine, proceed as follows: Insert the jasmine branch about 10 - 15 cm deep into the prepared soil in the pot. Then compact the base to keep the tree from falling over and water it to keep the soil moist. About two weeks later, the branches begin to take root and grow into new trees.

6Take care of yourself

Light and temperature

Since jasmine is a light-loving plant, you should place the pot in a location that receives plenty of sunlight, such as a balcony. B. in the garden, on the balcony or on the terrace so that the plant grows well and develops well.

Jasmine is a species that prefers warm environments and does not tolerate cold. The optimal temperature for growth and best development of plants is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.


When first planting, you should water the plant regularly, about twice a day. Once the plant has taken root and is growing stably, you can reduce the number of waterings.


Fertilization gives plants more nutrients for their growth. Every year you should fertilize your plants with 2 batches of composted organic fertilizer. You can also add NPK fertilizer to the plants approximately every 3 months.

Change the floor

For jasmine plants in pots, you need to change the soil every 2-3 years. Note that you only need to replace half of the soil in the pot.


Regular pruning helps the tree become more airy, removes old, diseased or cracked branches, helps the tree concentrate nutrients to nourish new branches, creates aesthetics and helps the tree become more balanced. During the flowering period, the plant should not be pruned to avoid reducing the number of flowers on the plant.

Pest prevention

Jasmine is rarely damaged or attacked by pests. Red spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects are insects to watch out for. If you spot these species, you can catch them with your hands and wash the leaves with soap, removing eggs and mucus.


Potted jasmine does not require much soil, just fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil. Nutrient soil purchased at the flower market is generally suitable for growing jasmine. You can also prepare your own jasmine cultivation soil. The simplest nutrient soil formula: use a ratio of 5 garden soil, 3 humus soil, and 2 sand.

Jasmine likes a growing environment that is moist, ventilated, drought-tolerant, cool, and sunny. Watering during the growth period of jasmine is relatively simple. It also follows the watering principle of "see dry and wet, water thoroughly". Try to keep the pot in the pot during the growth period. The pot soil is moist. In the cold winter, when the temperature is lower than 6 to 7 degrees, watering of jasmine should be reduced. Jasmine is afraid of the cold. Just keep the pot soil slightly moist. Generally, watering once every 10 days is enough.

Jasmine is a flower that likes fertilizer, especially during the flowering period. You can usually pour more fermented rice water on jasmine, and apply some thin organic fertilizer to jasmine every other week. During the flowering period, apply thin fertilizer to jasmine about once every 5 days. , bone meal, phosphate fertilizer, vermicompost, etc. can be used, and fertilization should be stopped after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The suitable growth temperature for jasmine is 20 to 25 degrees. If you want jasmine to grow quickly, pay attention to controlling the temperature.

2. Place jasmine in a sunny place for maintenance.

3. Change the potting soil for jasmine every two or three years.

4. Prune jasmine branches regularly.

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