How to grow cucumbers in pots even if you don't have a garden


How to grow cucumbers in pots even if you don't have a garden

Little space? No problem, because cucumbers can also be grown like this

Do you want healthy eating and organic vegetables? Find out how to grow cucumbers in pots with some small practical tips. This way, you will have them fresh and tasty without going to the supermarket or greengrocer.

How to grow cucumbers in pots even if you don't have a garden

The cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) is one of the most popular fruit vegetables and is also often grown for self-sufficiency. Growing cucumbers in pots is particularly efficient on balconies and where space is limited. In this article you will find out which pot size is optimal for cucumbers, which substrate is suitable for planting in the bucket and what the care is like.

Good, fresh and rich in vitamins: cucumbers are the extra touch that enriches our salads, especially during the summer, but how can we grow cucumbers in pots if we don't have a small vegetable garden, a garden or a suitable space?

Cucumbers in the pot: Which varieties are suitable?

If you want to grow cucumbers in a pot, you should first choose a suitable variety. All small-fruited mini and snack cucumbers, as well as compact-growing snake cucumbers, are ideal. 

Instructions: Plant cucumbers in a pot

The time to plant cucumbers comes from mid-May after the Ice Saints. Young cucumber plants should be slowly acclimated to the outdoor climate for a few days, i.e. hardened off. As a general rule, cucumbers are not planted deeper than they were previously in the pot - this is important for refined cucumbers . After planting, you should water the cucumbers in the pot and keep them well watered in the coming days so that they quickly develop roots in the new substrate. A cucumber climbing aid such as a cucumber tower or a spiral rod should be installed immediately after planting.

Which soil is suitable for cucumbers in the pot?

Cucumbers are among the most nutritious vegetables, which means they have high nutritional requirements. In order to keep cucumbers in the pot healthy, you should choose a nutrient-rich potting soil for planting. 

What size pot do cucumbers need?

Depending on its growth, a single cucumber plant requires a pot size of at least 20 to 40 litres of soil volume. The larger the pot, the easier it is to supply water and nutrients in summer. For large pots over 50 l, two plants can also be put together. However, you should keep in mind that the optimal planting distance of 50 to 60 cm is not maintained here. In humid weather, cucumber diseases could spread easily. The planter should also have good drainage and be placed on a saucer.

Tip : A 3 to 5 cm high drainage layer at the bottom of the pot made of expanded clay or gravel further improves water drainage and prevents waterlogging.

The right location for cucumbers in pots

Just like cucumbers in a greenhouse or in a bed , cucumbers in pots need a warm, sunny location. However, there should be no strong heat, otherwise the plants will suffer from stress and the cucumbers can become bitter. A shading option for hot days or a location where the sun doesn't shine all day is ideal.

Cucumbers on the balconyCucumbers prefer protected and not too hot, but warm locations such as on the balcony under a canopy 

©️ [Photo: MarinaTr/]

How to grow cucumbers in pots: the various steps

Let's go in order and see the various phases, starting from the sowing period and the preparation of the soil.

Sowing of the land and watering

First of all, you need to know that cucumbers must be sown between April and May . To grow and thrive, seedlings need a warm, humid climate and plenty of watering .

For cultivation in pots it will be better to opt for small varieties that you can eat raw or preserve in pickle. Get some pots of at least 20-30 cm in diameter , one for each plant and preferably terracotta. You can place them on the balcony or near a window in full sun.

The growing medium must be of good quality, well drained and slightly acidic , better if mixed with a little sphagnum peat, perlite and compost. When preparing the vase, remember to place a little clay or gravel at the base to facilitate water drainage and avoid rot. Although cucumbers require frequent and abundant watering (carried out early in the morning and in the evening), in fact, their roots could be damaged by excess water. Once the growing medium has been prepared, make small holes about 5 cm deep and place 5-6 seeds in them.

How to grow cucumbers in pots.

How to Grow Cucumbers in Pots

Essential for the development of the plant will be the use of adequate supports such as sticks or toothpicks which will accompany the plant in all phases of its growth. The seedlings will not take long to grow and within a few weeks you will see the first leaves appear. The ideal temperature for stimulating the growth of cucumber plants is between 20 and 28° .

During development you will see more seedlings emerge which it will be better to select and trim gradually, eliminating the weakest, driest aerial parts and, in general, removing the twigs developed after the fourth leaf.

Obtaining a cucumber plant, therefore, is not difficult and at this point you will have understood how to grow cucumbers without the use of particular techniques. But let's see how to obtain the much desired vegetables starting from the first flowering.

how to grow cucumbers in pots

The characteristic flowering persists until maturation.

Pollination and harvest

When the seedlings have reached a height of about 25 cm you should start to see the first flowers open. This doesn't mean that fruit will automatically come after the flowers! What is missing, in fact, is pollination which is usually carried out by bees .

If you see many flowers but no fruit, then you can proceed with manual pollination , simply touching the stamens of the male flowers (which produce pollen) and those of the female flowers with a brush.

Distinguishing them is not difficult. The male flowers are large and have a bare stem; the female ones are smaller and are characterized by a swelling at the base.

If everything has been done properly and pollination has taken place, the harvest of cucumbers should take place 2 months after sowing. Harvest the cucumbers by cutting them at the base, without tearing them away, so as not to damage the plant.

Caring for cucumbers in the pot

When it comes to care, watering, fertilization and pruning are particularly important. Cucumbers need a lot of water to get through the hot summer. You should then water them as early as possible in the morning and daily. It is important to note that the water for irrigation should not be cold, but rather lukewarm. Cucumbers react sensitively to water that is too cold, causing stunted growth and the retention of bitter substances in the fruit. It is best to use rainwater because it does not contain excessive amounts of lime. Like most vegetable plants, cucumbers should not be watered overhead, but only directly at the bottom of the trunk.

After planting, when the flowering and fruiting season begins, you should fertilize your cucumber in the container once a week. If a long-term fertilizer has already been incorporated during planting, top-up fertilization is only necessary after about two months. 

When it comes to cucumbers on the balcony or terrace, the issue of pruning must also be taken into account. Especially if there isn't a lot of space available, it can make sense to take out some side shoots. You can find out in detail how to harvest cucumbers in our special article. To prevent fungal diseases such as powdery mildew on cucumbers , you can remove a few leaves, especially if the growth is dense, to improve ventilation. Diseased leaves and fruits should always be removed as quickly as possible. If the cucumber becomes very tall, it can be trimmed to limit its linear growth. The shoot tip is removed and the plant now puts more energy into fruit formation.

Caring for cucumbers in potsPruning directs the plant's energy into fruit formation ©️ [Photo: Denis Pogostin/]

Cucumbers can be grown anywhere - whether in the greenhouse, bed, balcony or terrace. In the raised bed, in addition to the choice of variety, care is crucial for a rich harvest.

All you have to do is roll up your sleeves and get started…

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