18 kinds of flowers that are best to grow in summer.


18 kinds of flowers that are best to grow in summer. 

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Recently, many florists are asking about flowers suitable for summer. Today I will recommend 18 kinds of flowers that are heat-resistant, not afraid of the sun, and can bloom, so that your balcony will be beautiful in summer!

1. fragrant vine

The fragrant vine is also known as the red cicada flower. The windings of the fragrant vine are soft and flexible, spiraling up the support. During the flowering period, there are often more flowers than leaves. When the breeze blows, the tangy fragrance makes people feel relaxed and happy. The flower colors are red, peach, golden red, pink and other colors, and are full of changes. It is known as the "Queen of Tropical Vine Plants."

Growth habits: It likes a warm, humid and sunny environment with a little shade, but flowering will be reduced if there is insufficient light, and the temperature can reach 35 degrees.

Flowering period: May-October in summer and autumn

2. Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea has various varieties and strong plant adaptability. It is not only widely distributed in the south, but can also be cultivated in the cold north. Originated from Brazil. It is cultivated in courtyards and parks in the south of our country and in greenhouses in the north. It is a beautiful ornamental plant. It is very popular now.

Growth habits: Likes plenty of light, warm and humid climate, not cold-tolerant.

Flowering period: Spring, summer, and autumn from March to September. Potted bougainvillea needs only enough light, temperature, water, and fertilizer. It can bloom all year round.

3. Gypsophila

The fluffy and light flowers are a good companion to other plants. Planting in mixed flower beds can add a soft impression. After flowering, cut the flower stem to a few remaining nodes. Lateral buds will sprout and bloom again. They can also bloom in autumn.

Growth habits: Gypsophila likes cool weather, grows best under conditions with sufficient sunlight and air circulation, and is cold-tolerant.

Flowering period: May-August


Sunflower, Portulaca herbaceous flowers. An indispensable flower in summer. Also known as pine leaf peony and half-branched lotus, it is an annual. The reason why it is called sunflower is that it opens in the footsteps of the sun and closes in the morning, evening and cloudy days, so it is also known as "sunflower and noon flower". The flowers come in a variety of colors and have a light fragrance. Although sunflowers are common, their freshness and ease of maintenance have won the favor of many people.

Growth habit: An annual herbaceous plant that likes a warm and sunny environment. The stronger the sunshine, the better it will bloom. And it will continue to bloom.

Flowering period: June-September

5. Changxia Dianthus

Dianthus evergreen has beautiful leaves, bright colors, fragrant flowers and a long flowering period. It is widely used to decorate city squares and parks and is also popular as a potted plant at home. It is a ground cover plant that is said to “never wither in winter and never fall in summer”.

Growth habits: Likes warmth and sufficient sunshine, not cold-tolerant. Old plants are prone to rot due to hot and humid summer, so they should be pruned and updated in time with cuttings.

Flowering period: May-October

Blue Snowflake

Blue snowflakes have emerald green leaves and elegant flowers. Blue snowflakes look like hydrangeas, with clusters of basket-colored flowers. It gives people a cool feeling in the hot summer and can be used as potted plants to decorate the room and balcony.

Growth habit: Perennial herbaceous shrub, strong growth, heat-resistant, relatively tolerant of high temperature and humidity, few pests and diseases, long viewing period.

Flowering period: June-September

7. Ling Xiao

There is no summer without Lingxiao. Lingxiao has a long flowering period, with many wrinkles and curls, and the flower color is yellowish brown to tan.

Growth habits: Likes full sun, but also tolerates semi-shade. It has strong adaptability, is cold-resistant and drought-tolerant, and does not like heavy fertilizers. Too much fertilizer will affect flowering.

Flowering period: June-September

8. A bunch of red

A string of red potted plants is suitable for arranging large flower beds and flower borders, and the landscape effect is particularly good. Dwarf varieties of potted plants are used to beautify windowsills and balconies, as well as to decorate the sides of houses and front steps. They have delicate colors and a warm atmosphere.

Immortality habits: Like warm and sunny environment. Not cold tolerant.

Flowering period: summer, autumn

9. Hollyhocks

Hollyhocks have rich colors, large flowers and strong double petals, and tall plants. They should be planted along walls, roadsides, at the foot of slopes, and near water, either in rows or in clusters. It can also be used as background material for flower borders.

Longevity habits: light-loving, shade-intolerant, cold-tolerant underground, and can survive the winter in the open in North China.

Flowering period: June-August

10. Beautiful Sakura

Beauty Sakura, also known as Sihuang Hydrangea, is an annual herbaceous flower with graceful posture, rich and bright colors. When in full bloom, it looks like a sea of ​​flowers, making people forget to leave. The plants are short and dense, and the flowers are colorful. The flowering part is in the shape of an umbrella house. The flower colors include white, red, blue, snow-green, pink, etc. It is suitable for potted plants or flower bed decoration.

Growth habits: It likes sunshine, is intolerant to shade, is relatively cold-tolerant, has poor shade tolerance, and is not drought-tolerant. It grows in sunny, loose and fertile soil with luxuriant flowers. It can survive the winter in the open air in a warmer microclimate in Shanghai.

Flowering period: May-November

11. Periwinkle

Catharanthus roseus has many flowers and a long flowering period. It is used in flower beds, flower borders and forest edges, and can also be viewed as potted plants. It is used medicinally, but this plant is poisonous and should not be eaten by mistake. The dosage must be controlled when used as medicine.

Growth habits: It is extremely strong in nature, resistant to drought and moisture, and has strong self-reproductive ability. When mature seeds fall to the ground, they can also germinate seedlings and then grow and bloom. Therefore, they are often distributed in wild communities.

Flowering period: May-November

12. Milan

A small evergreen tree, Milanese flowers have small yellow flowers that are fragrant when blooming and smell like orchids. Its branches and leaves are dense and the leaves are green and bright.

Growth habits: Likes a warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold tolerant, slightly shade tolerant.

Flowering period: May to December, or four seasons.

13. Featherleaf cinnamon

Like morning glories, tarantula can twine and climb around supports, blooming into five-pointed star-shaped flowers, also known as five-pointed star flowers. The color is deep red and bright, and the flowering period is long.

Habits: Annual herb, likes light, warm, humid, sunny environment, not cold-tolerant.

Flowering period: June to November

14. Gold dew flower

False Forsythia, also known as golden dew flower, is commonly cultivated in the south or sometimes grows wild. The inflorescences are long and the small flowers are elegant. They have just entered the flowering period recently~

Growth habits: Likes full sun, but also tolerates semi-shade, likes warmth and moisture, is intolerant to cold, prefers fertilizer, tolerates water and humidity, and is intolerant to drought.

Opening period: May-October

15. Jasmine​

"The garden is full of flowers, but the fragrance is not as fragrant as this one." Its leaves are green and its flowers are white, elegant and pleasant. When placed on the balcony, it can infuse a room with fragrance. It is the most common aromatic potted flower and tree.

Growth habit: Perennial shrub, jasmine likes hot and humid environment. The stronger the light, the more flowers it will bloom.

Flowering period: June to October, with proper maintenance it can bloom in the same season.

16. Xia Jin

The flowers of pansy are small and colorful, resembling little goldfish and cute. Flower colors include purple, blue, peach, pink, dark and light blue, etc. It is suitable for planting on balconies, flower beds, etc., and is also an excellent hanging pot flower.

Growth habits: It is a subtropical flower that likes a growing environment with high temperatures and is resistant to heat. The soil requirements are not strict, the growth is strong, the amount of fertilizer is not large, and it blooms luxuriantly in sunny, moderately fertile and moist soil. Can self-broadcast.

Flowering period: June to September

17. Petunia

They are brightly colored and easy to cultivate. There are both upright and crocodile flowers. They can also be grown in hanging pots for viewing. They are very popular and are an indispensable ornamental flower in the garden.

Growth habits: Petunia is a long-day plant that likes a warm and sunny environment. It can withstand high temperatures above 35℃ in summer.

Flowering period: April to October

18. rose

Roses need no introduction, everyone is familiar with them. There are many varieties of roses, with large and showy flowers, good blooming effect, rich floral fragrance and good adaptability. It can be cultivated in all parts of the north and south.

Growth habits: It likes a sunny environment, is heat-resistant and has strong adaptability.

Flowering period: spring, summer, autumn

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