Purify the air and relieve stress! These 15 plants are the best to keep at home! It can also help the whole family live longer!


Purify the air and relieve stress! These 15 plants are the best to keep at home! It can also help the whole family live longer!

Many people like to keep some of their favourite plants at home to purify the air, cultivate sentiment, relieve stress, and prolong life. However, there are a lot of things you need to pay attention to when raising plants at home. For example, what kind of flowers can you grow to make yourself live longer?

You might as well grow more of these 15 kinds of plants:


An adult Clivia can absorb 1 liter of air and release 80% of oxygen throughout the day and night. In an indoor area of ​​more than ten square meters, two or three pots of Clivia can absorb the indoor smoke. Especially in the cold winter in the north, because the doors and windows are closed and the indoor air is not circulating, Clivia will play a good role in regulating the air and keeping the indoor air fresh.


Spider plants can absorb toxic and harmful gases in the air. A pot of spider plants is equivalent to an air purifier in a room of 8 to 10 square meters. Chlorophytum has a particularly strong ability to absorb certain harmful substances, such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde mixed in the air. The absorption capacity can reach 95% and 85% respectively. Chlorophytum can also decompose benzene and absorb relatively stable harmful substances such as nicotine in cigarette smoke. 

Aloe vera

A pot of aloe vera is equivalent to a Jiutai biological air cleaner. It can absorb formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other harmful substances; under 4 hours of light conditions, a pot of aloe vera can eliminate 90% of formaldehyde in one square meter of air. It can also kill harmful microorganisms in the air and absorb dust. It has a great effect on purifying the living environment.



Ivy is currently the most effective indoor plant in absorbing formaldehyde. It can also absorb 90% of benzene in the room under 24-hour light conditions. It can also absorb particulate dust.

White palm

White palm can inhibit the exhaust gas exhaled by the human body, and can filter benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent the dryness of the nasal mucosa, greatly reducing the possibility of illness.

Silver queen

Silver queen

Silver Queen is known for its unique air purification ability. The higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can exert its purification ability, so it is very suitable for dark rooms with poor ventilation.

Lucky Bamboo


Lucky bamboo can help improve the air quality in rooms that do not often open windows for ventilation, and has a disinfection function; it can effectively absorb waste gas and improve the privacy of the bedroom.

african jasmine

The volatile oils produced by African jasmine have a very good bactericidal effect. They can also relax us, help us sleep, and improve work efficiency, so everyone should keep some on their desks.


The plant aroma contained in asparagus has antibacterial ingredients, which can remove bacteria and viruses in the air and has health care functions.

Rubber tree

Rubber trees have certain resistance to harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen fluoride in the air. It can also eliminate inhalable particulate matter pollution and effectively retain indoor dust.

Brown Bamboo

The function of brown bamboo is similar to Monstera deliciosa, which can absorb more than 80% of various harmful gases, purify the air, eliminate heavy metal pollution, and have certain resistance to sulfur dioxide pollution.

Duck foot wood

Its leaves can absorb nicotine and other harmful substances from the smoky air and convert them into harmless plant substances through photosynthesis.


Pothos has a strong vitality and ability to absorb harmful substances, which can help improve air quality in rooms where windows are not often opened for ventilation; it can also eliminate harmful substances such as formaldehyde.

Money tree

The money tree is evergreen all year round. It can absorb toxic gases and release oxygen through photosynthesis. It can absorb carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide relatively effectively, and has a certain effect on resisting the exhaust gas produced by tobacco burning.



Cactus has a strong anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effect. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, which can replenish oxygen and facilitate sleep.

These 15 kinds of plants must not be placed in the bedroom


The particles emitted by hydrangeas (including plum blossoms, geraniums, etc.) can cause skin allergies and cause pruritus; it also has the side effect of disrupting hormones, which is particularly harmful to pregnant women.


Tuberose emits a large number of particles that stimulate the sense of smell at night. Smelling it for too long can make patients with high blood pressure and heart disease feel dizzy, depressed and uncomfortable, and even make their condition worse. Therefore, it is best not to keep it in the bedroom. Home.

Rose, Reddbud, Lily, Mimosa

When roses are kept indoors for a long time, the smell they emit can cause asthma and irritability in some people; the pollen emitted by redbuds can induce asthma or worsen cough symptoms if it comes into contact with people for a long time; the aroma of lilies can make people overly excited. And cause insomnia; the mimosa base in Mimosa pudica is a toxic substance. Excessive exposure to this toxin can cause sparse eyebrows, hair turning yellow and even falling off. Mimosine can also damage human skin.


The whole plant of Oleander is poisonous and contains a variety of cardiac glycosides, which are highly toxic substances and are extremely harmful to the human respiratory and digestive systems. It is also easy to be poisoned by contact with the latex secreted by it. After poisoning, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea can be fatal.

Dieffenbachia mosaic

The flowers and leaves of Dieffenbachia contain oxalic acid and asparagine, and the sap from its branches and leaves is highly toxic. Once it touches the skin, it will cause severe itching.

Dripping Water Guanyin

The white juice in the stem of Dripping Guanyin is poisonous, and the dripping water is also poisonous. If you accidentally touch or eat the juice, it will cause discomfort in the throat and mouth, and a burning sensation in the stomach. Contact with the sap on the skin will cause unbearable itching, and contact with the sap in the eyes can cause severe conjunctivitis and even blindness.


The flowers, branches, and leaves of narcissus are poisonous. Vomiting and abdominal pain may occur after poisoning. The overpowering aroma of narcissus can also cause discomfort to the nervous system. Over time, inhaling its aroma can make people dizzy, especially when sleeping. Be careful when raising it at home.


Tulip flowers contain a poisonous alkali. If people and animals stay in these flowers for 2 to 3 hours, they will become dizzy and have symptoms of poisoning. In severe cases, their hair will fall off.



Poinsettia releases toxic substances that are harmful to the human body, and the white latex secreted by its stems and leaves is also toxic. Contact with the skin will cause allergic symptoms, ranging from redness and swelling to ulcers. Eating the stems and leaves by mistake can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and even Fatal, it is best not to keep poinsettias in your home.

Yellow Rhododendron

Yellow -philodendron

Yellow azalea flowers contain toxins and are best left untouched and smelled. Once eaten by mistake, in mild cases, it will cause poisoning, with symptoms such as vomiting, difficulty breathing, and numbness of the limbs. In severe cases, it will cause shock, seriously endangering human health.


Datura flowers are poisonous throughout their bodies, and the fruits, especially the seeds, are the most toxic. If you accidentally eat too much Datura flowers, it can cause over-excitation of the nerve center and suddenly reverse to inhibitory effect, causing the body's function to plummet, and in severe cases, death.

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